
It may seem like it doesn’t matter if you don’t do shoulder exercises, but if you do them well, your shoulders will widen, making it easier to hold up your clothes. Shoulder training is very complicated, and you can get hurt if you use equipment, so some people do it with their bare hands. So do you know what the free shoulder exercises are? Let’s have a look!


One, stand on your head against the wall
In terms of shoulder muscles and shoulder strength building, handstand is naturally a free hand shoulder ace. This exercise focuses on our deltoid anterior and middle fasciculus muscles, while also improving the core stability of the shoulder, which is dominated by the back. Then this action actually has two ways, one way is to stand on the back wall, more for the shoulder beam, isolation is better. The other is the wall handstand support, more for the shoulder front bundle and back muscles, shoulder stability, generally the wall.

Hands about 15-25 cm away from the wall, back wall or wall to wall.

If you are facing away from the wall, your hands are wide and your elbows are separated to the sides.

If you are facing the wall, your hands are narrow and your elbows are tight to your sides.

Back wall handstand is a muscle strengthening exercise, do not need to push to the apex position.

The wall handstand is a gymnastic move that requires pushing to the apex position and attempting to lock the shoulder blades.


Two, folding knife inverted support
So a lot of people may be scared by the wall handstand, in fact, we have a relatively simple handstand practice, is the folding knife handstand. Another way to do this is to do a peck push-up, which is a handstand where you fold your body over. Folding knife inverted support, generally do is to clamp the elbow on both sides of the body, elbow apart, shoulder training effect or safety, in fact, will be affected.

Keep your hands on the ground, moving them forward until your hips reach the highest position.

Keep your chin ahead, don’t bury your head. Bend your elbows down.

Lean forward and try to keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor.

You don’t need to get to the vertex position after holding up, which will increase the burden on the wrist.


Three, support the shoulder
Supporting the shoulder thrust does more than just strengthen the muscles in the front of the shoulder. It’s also the best way to build core strength in the shoulders, which is the back. So many people learn handstand, learn Russia will support the shoulder this action. Here, because the purpose is more toward muscle building, we generally adopt dynamic support shoulder thrust.

There are also two types of movements, hand brace or elbow brace to shoulder.

Support your hands or elbows on a yoga mat and bring your feet forward to raise your hips.

Arch your back without drawing your shoulder blades back.

Go as far forward as you can take it, and then go back.

On the way back, try to slow down to avoid shoulder discomfort.

Post time: Feb-23-2023
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